點選 +ADD to Discord
!p + 播放網址
!p 綠色
!Q 是目前播放清單
!rm + 序列編號
!skip 跳過當前播放
!fuckoff 機器人離開
!bassboost - bass, bb
!clear - cl
!debug - shard
!disconnect - dc, leave, dis, fuckoff
!donate - patreon
!effects - effect
!forceskip - fskip, fs
!forward - fwd
!grab - save
!invite - links
!join - summon, fuckon
!leavecleanup - lc
!loop - repeat
!qloop - loopqueue, lq, queueloop
!lyrics - l, ly
!move - m, mv
!nightcore - weeb
!nowplaying - np
!pause - stop
!play - p
!playskip - ps, pskip, playnow, pn
!playtop - pt, ptop
!prune - purge, clean
!queue - q
!remove - rm
!removedupes - rmd, rd, drm
!resume - re, res, continue
!rewind - rwd
!search - find
!shuffle - random
!skipto - st
!slowed - sad
!soundcloud - sc
!volume - vol
!voteskip - skip, next, s
Rythm has every command you need to have a great music experience
play | Plays a song with the given name or url. |
disconnect | Disconnect the bot from the voice channel it is in. |
np | Shows what song the bot is currently playing. |
aliases | List command aliases. |
ping | Checks the bot's response time to Discord. |
skip | Skips the currently playing song. |
seek | Seeks to a certain point in the current track. |
soundcloud | Searches soundcloud for a song |
remove | Removes a certain entry from the queue. |
loopqueue | Loops the whole queue. |
search | Searches YouTube for results of a URL. |
stats | Shows the stats of the bot. |
loop | Loop the currently playing song. |
donate | Info about donating to support Rythm! |
shard | Checks the shard you are on. |
join | Summons the bot to your voice channel. |
lyrics | Gets the lyrics of the current playing song |
info | Info about Rythm! |
resume | Resume paused music. |
settings | Change Rythm's settings. |
move | Moves a certain song to the first position in the queue or to a chosen position |
forward | Forwards by a certain amount in the current track. |
skipto | Skips to a certain position in the queue. |
clear | Clears the queue. |
replay | Reset the progress of the current song |
clean | Deletes the bot's messages and commands. |
pause | Pauses the currently playing track. |
removedupes | Removes duplicate songs from the queue. |
volume | Check or change the current volume. |
rewind | Rewinds by a certain amount in the current track. |
playtop | Like the play command, but queues from the top. |
playskip | Adds a song to the top of the queue then skips to it. |
invite | Links! |
shuffle | Shuffles the queue. |
queue | View the queue. To view different pages, type the command with the specified page number after it (queue 2). |
leavecleanup | Removes absent user's songs from the Queue. |